A Good Day From Morning 'Til Night

casa de oro julia cameron luxury mountain view church the beanery Jun 03, 2024

By Paul Roberts

A few weeks ago Carol challenged me (and all of our readers) to spend some time writing down my list of luxuries, simple things that bring me joy. She defined it this way, with a little help from our friend and mentor Julia Cameron: A luxury is something that gives you pleasure purely for its own sake, not because it performs any kind of useful function. Sometimes the cost of a luxury is very small. It’s important to note that luxury is highly individualistic. When we treat ourselves to some authentic luxury, we are taking a positive action on our own behalf. We are saying, “this matters to me.”

I am resisting the urge to go back and look at her list, but I am pretty sure she suggested not trying to prioritize the list but just put them on the page as they spring to mind. Here goes…

  • Studying lyrics for a new show with Carol.
  • Coffee at the Beanery, with time to write.
  • Getting a text from Carol, no matter where she is, that tells me she is on her way to me.
  • Cleo walks.
  • Watching tv with Carol and Cleo. It’s best when I am laying on the doggie bed with Cleo beside me. She lays on top of my arm until my arm falls asleep.
  • The memory of my arm falling asleep while holding any one of my three daughters when they were just a baby.
  • Coffee at Nocturn, with time to write.
  • Men’s Group at Mountain View Church, without any concerns for how long we talk about any one verse from scripture.
  • Sunday family dinners, now that I am retired and I don’t have to think about teaching Monday classes.
  • Starting a new book to read.
  • Ending a book.
  • Going to a bookstore. No need to buy.
  • Casa De Oro seafood burrito.
  • Peanut butter.
  • Peanut butter and jelly.
  • Peanut butter and jelly toast.
  • Peanut butter and jelly and avocado toast (my latest creation).
  • Looking over at Carol during a long drive, seeing her sound asleep, and knowing she trusts me to keep her safe.
  • Enjoying new food Carol cooks for us. I didn’t know brussel sprouts could taste good.
  • Good fruit. Like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, self-control. I have been reading a lot about those things recently.

Hm. This exercise reminds me of the old hymn “Count Your Blessings.” Not a bad idea.


Did you write a short list of simple, joyful luxuries yet? Share with our community.

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