
abundance college friends expressions of love family visitors Jul 24, 2024

By Carol Woolum Roberts

As I sit down to write this blog post, the word that comes to mind as I reflect over this last week is abundance.

This last week I had an abundance of company, as family and friends gathered over the week to visit and attend one of our performances at the Sixth Street Melodrama.  The result was being surrounded by an abundance of love, laughter and goodness.

Sunday morning many of us gathered at Mountain View Congregational Church as Paul shared a message, his brother Kevin shared some thoughts, and his sister Laurie led our worship time. A wonderful time of praise and worship and teaching.

Sunday afternoon it was so rewarding to have members of our family in the audience…two of Paul’s brothers and their wives, his sister, his mother, my sister and our friend, a daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter.  As a performer, you love sharing what you love to do with those you love.  It isn’t about wanting to look good.  It is about wanting to be good, and making those you love feel good through your performance.

Sunday evening, there was an abundance of good food, good drink and good conversation at Nocturn, a wine bar in uptown Kellogg our daughter Molly manages. The abundance of laughter and smiles and love shot in every direction as we sat and enjoyed each other’s company.

The abundance continued Monday evening as we gathered around our table for family dinner. Last night as we gathered on our patio and enjoyed the cool evening breeze, conversing with Bill and Debbie, who were able to join us, about a variety of topics, including the Trinity….Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

This Trinity, that was in the midst of our gatherings all weekend long.

Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
The fellowship of kindred minds
Is like to that above.


What abundance have you experienced lately?

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