Blest Be The Tie That Binds

blest be the tie memorial day silver valley treasure valley May 28, 2024

By Paul Roberts

Most of my Monday mornings are spent finishing off my weekly blog post in time to get it published by the end of the day. Typically, I am sitting at one of my two “writing desks,” one with a view of my backyard and the early morning sun for inspiration, the other one in my office, with its west facing window looking out at the bird feeder hanging from the eaves. But today is not my typical Monday.

Carol and I traveled south, away from our home in the Silver Valley, to our daughter Zoe’s home in Idaho’s Treasure Valley. In addition to spending time with Zoe, Grandma Pat, and some other dear friends and family, we will be spending some time on this Memorial Day visiting some dear ones who are sorely missed. There are too many stories about the impact these family members have had on my life, so I’m going to try and let the pictures speak for me. Special thanks to my cousin Anita Jo for helping us find each precious site.



Blest be the tie that binds

Our hearts in Christian love.

The fellowship of kindred minds

Is like to that above.




Memorial Day memories to share, anyone?


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