
boise connections convention p.e.o. projects reunions May 18, 2022


By Carol Woolum Roberts


I like making connections with people.

I traveled to Boise this past weekend for a P.E.O. state convention.  I have been the chairman of the Idaho state project committee this past year, and I had some things I was in charge of on Friday to help promote our various projects.  If you don’t know what P.E.O. is, it is a philanthropic education organization that raises money to help women further their education through grants, scholarships and low interest loans.  P.E.O. also has their own college in Missouri.

On this trip I met many people I was already connected with—but then made some new connections as well.

I love making connections with people.

I have three other women who were part of the project committee this past year.  Each month we would have a Zoom meeting to keep things on track, helping promote our various projects throughout the state to other P.E.O. members.

I had met two of the women on the committee face to face, but not the third.  It was so nice to finally meet Cindi and also be her roommate during the convention.  We found out we have a mutual friend who grew up here in Kellogg, but now lives in Pocatello with Cindi.

At the end of one of the workshops I helped present on Friday, a woman approached me, telling me how much she loves my daughter Cosette.  Catherine met Cosette as a customer at the University Inn in Moscow, and couldn’t help complimenting her and the great job she does at her job.  (Yes, my mother’s heart was so proud!!)

The next morning I walked into the room where we would be having the business meetings that day, and walked by a woman who looked very familiar.  I thought I knew who she was, but not quite sure.  Fortunately we all had name badges, so I walked by her and glanced at her name.  Sure enough, it was Karen Eddy, who was the mother of my best friend from college, Carolyn.  I hadn’t seen Karen since we lived in Meridian, over 20 years ago, so it was so fun to see her, and get a big hug.  I had to take a picture of the two of us to text to Carolyn!!

This is the first time in three years that we were able to have our convention in person.  So I never met one of the members of the project committee that I served with those two years.  Paige and I just communicated through email.  She came up to me and introduced herself, and we finally met.  The next day she was seated behind me during the business meetings, so we got to visit further.  We found out we had both been Tri-Delts at the University of Idaho. 

I could go on and on about connections with people. I love seeing how I am connected to others. 

Have you ever played the parlor game Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon? 

I am pretty good at that game, even when I’m not actually playing it!!


Comment if you recently made any unexpected connection with someone recently.

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