
connections reunion sisters tri delta Jun 20, 2024


By Carol Woolum Roberts

I love making connections with people.

And I love keeping connections with people.

A couple weeks ago I was able to spend a weekend with some wonderful women I sent to college with and shared a living space with…The Delta Delta Delta sorority at the University of Idaho.

I also connected with women who were not in the house at the same time as myself, but we were connected through our Tri-Delta sisterhood.

Sisterhood is really a special thing.  It is special to reconnect with people you haven’t seen in a while, but spent quite a bit of time with while attending college.

These sisters show up.  When you have a death in the family, they are the ones who reach out, send messages, text, call. 

They talk about how they know what is happening in your life, because you are friends on social media.  You feel like they really care what is going on in your life.

It was fun to finally see some of these women in person, after only seeing them online for so long.

It was fun making connections and reconnections with some of the ladies who were in the house when my sister Christy was in it.  (About five years before I showed up). 

My pledge class has started meeting on a yearly basis to have our own reunions, and each year we connect with more people.  Plans are being made to meet in the Tri-Cities in October of 2025.  I can’t wait.

It always fascinates me the things you find out about people when you sit down on talk to them.  The story of a friend living with cancer.  A shared “had to be there” moment trying to take a selfie in front of a portrait of Senator Borah, thinking it was the funniest thing that happened all weekend!!

Spending time with another friend who needed a ride to St. Regis after the weekend, so she could reconnect with her wife, and they could continue on their Montana adventure.

In the talk given at our dinner Saturday night, part of the theme was Connections.  The speaker Nancy shared about how we go to college and can reinvent ourselves.  We also ask ourselves who we might fall in love with.  And we made connections with our sorority sisters.

As I said at the beginning….I love connecting with people….and reconnecting with people.

I like to continue keeping those connections alive, which is even more special when you can see those people in person.




Do you like connecting with people, and keeping those connections alive?  Who I your life do you wish to connect with in the near future?

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