
labyrinth national vision board day world labyrinth day Jan 23, 2023


By Paul Roberts

It seemed life was like a maze, I had pondered it for days

What would amaze for my first vision board?

Is there something that outweighs hackneyed thoughts that sound blase’

And for weeks stay in my mind - or even more?

What I sought for was a vision but was met by indecision

Creativity was just a smidgeon low.

My thoughts had lacked precision and the muse had sent derision

Of the collision of ideas that I could show.

All my thoughts were twisting turning in my mind there was a yearning

To keep spurning simple thoughts without details.

Then my mind’s eye started churning as I thought back on the learning

And the burning in my memory of this tale.


To a labyrinth I’d traveled, on a road dusty and graveled

Never caviled at the cost that it would take.

For it was with my love I traveled, and we walked the path so graveled

And I learned the joys of my unraveled fate.

In the labyrinth we wandered, and in isolation pondered

As we walked the yonder pathways all alone.

But the time, it was not squandered, for the path made me grow fonder

Of the life that spread beyond her in our home.

Life’s a labyrinth that twists as it leads into the mists

a journey that insists we walk hand in glove.

But the path it leads is kissed with ideas that can’t be missed

When kissed with hope and love.  



Reflecting some more on the meaning behind my choices for my vision board. I’m interested in hearing more about the stories behind your vision board, if you have done one for 2023. What was your experience like?

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