Late Night Blogging

blogging day of rest deadline habit Jul 02, 2024

By Paul Roberts

What would happen if I decided to do all of my blogging after 10:00 p.m.? Bigger question: why would I start such a seemingly ridiculous habit?

It is twenty minutes past 10 as I put my fingers to the keypad on my laptop. If Carol hadn’t said something to me, I would have forgotten all about the Monday night blogging deadline I have tried to follow for the last three and a half years. How can I have forgotten that it was Monday?

I think it started with the fact that yesterday, Sunday was a rather odd “day of rest” for me. What with all the things going on in our lives, Carol and I agreed that God would forgive us if we stayed home from church yesterday.

I’m pretty sure the man upstairs was okay with our decision, but I also think there were some natural consequences to that decision, and the most telling one has been that I have spent the last two days really struggling to remember to do the “normal” tasks I do on those days.

Sunday has been my day to call my Mom for several years, almost always at 3:00 p.m. Kellogg time. It was 4:30 by the time I realized I had missed that deadline by a mile. So first, God forgave me for missing church; then Mom had to forgive me for missing my normal calling time; then tonight Carol reminded me Monday was my day to blog with the forgiving words “but I knew you had a lot on your plate.”

Now it’s 10:35. Carol, Cleo, and Zoe have all gone to bed, and it is well past my normal bedtime. Which leaves me with an answer, of sorts, to the questions I began with: keep that Monday blog deadline, but don’t you dare try to become a late night writer. It will mess with too many really good habits.

Illogical, yes, but that’s what happens when I write this time of night.


What is the best time of day for you to write? Go ahead and explore that thought. Experiment! And share with us your results.

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