Linden Songs

linden trees psalm 121 Jul 29, 2024

By Paul Roberts

My linden tree on the southern end of my backyard was singing for me the other day. I think if I spend more quiet time in this backyard retreat of mine, I’ll hear his song more often.

I am beginning to think of my two lindens as twin brothers. One gently guards the northern gate of our property, welcoming visitors off the street into our little oasis; his brother invites our friends to enjoy his shade on the bench that encircles his trunk, or to take a brief ride on this swing, dangling from the golden ropes tied to his strong arm 20 feet overhead.

Linden trees can easily live for several hundred years. Ours were likely planted in the early 1970’s, making them only boyish teens right now. There are linden trees that have lived for thousands of years as well, stretching 70 feet into the sky, their branches providing shade over fifty feet in diameter.

One of my favorite times of year is when the lindens bloom, sending a sweet fragrance across the yard, calling every bee in the vicinity to come and taste their blossoms. I get to sit in the shade beneath those boughs and listen to thousands of bees buzzing overhead, drifting from yellow flower to yellow flower. Last week both trees were raining flower petals, tiny little remnants of this summer’s bloom, while I sat on the bench doing my best to listen to what my southern linden friend might have to say to me as this chaotic world swirled around me.

In his low, slow voice, I heard him…hum…hoom…hum…hoom. Rhythmic. Quiet sounds that called out to a memory from my childhood. He was singing one of Grandma Martha’s songs, which she had drawn from an ancient psalm. In a voice much deeper than her rich alto, they shared their duet with me…

To the hills I lift my eyes,

Whither shall I look for aid?

My help cometh from the Lord

Who both heaven and earth hath made.

For the Lord in watchful keeping

Guides my steps along the way;

In the night protects me sleeping

Shelters me in both night and day.


Of God I sing, of God I sing,

A song that God gave to a king

Of God I sing, of God I sing,

Of our great God, I sing.


Find a quiet place in all the noise…and listen for the still, small, voice of our Creator.

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