My Grown-Up Thanksgiving List

thankgiving thanksgiving list Nov 23, 2022

By Carol Woolum Roberts

When I realized my blog post this week would be published on Thanksgiving Day, I started thinking about all the things I am thankful for and decided to write my own “Grown-Up Thanksgiving List”.



A-Ability to Love

N-Nighttime Rest




I-Invitation to Care

V-Vivid Colors




T-Tribe.  I love the tribe of people I am surrounded with at this point in my life.  I have one daughter that lives in the same house, and two siblings and a sister-in-law who live in the same town, so we see each other often, usually by sharing a weekly meal together.  My other two daughters live less than a day’s drive away.

I also have close friends who I see often, and we also meet for lunch or do other activities together. There are other friends I see on a regular basis throughout the year to share a meal with, or to have fun together. I am a part of many different groups where I gather with others.  I have surrounded myself with a wonderful tribe of people who enrich my life every day.

H—Health.  I am very thankful for my health.  I have my yearly physical in a couple of weeks.  One of the first things she will ask is if I have anything wrong with me.  Overall, my health is pretty good, and has been for many years.  Medication takes care of one area of concern, but overall, I feel very thankful for my health.

A—Ability to Love.  I am so glad we were created with the ability to love others.  Sometimes that love comes easily.  Sometimes that love hurts.  But to put others ahead of ourselves and having the ability to love them with no strings attached is a wonderful thing.

N—Nighttime Rest.  Each night I fall asleep and get a good night’s rest I feel gratitude in the morning.  And bedtime lends itself to many of the simple pleasures in my life, such as flannel pajamas, flannel sheets and a comfortable and warm bed to sleep in each night.

K—Knowledge.  I love that I can obtain knowledge through books, listening to information, watching information on a video, or interacting with others.  There are so many things to learn, and I love learning new things each day.

S-Shelter.  My house is a shelter, but it is so much more.  This shelter is a gathering place.  It is a place of safety and security.  It offers warmth on cold days, and cool on hot days.  It is a place of conversation, of laughter, of tears, hugs and working through our fears.  It is a place of prayer and hugs, of meals around the table and the warmth from the fire.  It is home.

G—Giving.  I am thankful I have the means to give to others.  Sometimes monetarily, sometimes through time, sometimes through talents.  Sometimes through sharing knowledge.  I love that I can give.

I—Invitation to Care.  I love caring for things.  I am so thankful for our dog Cleo and our two cats Clark and Leo that I help care for each day.  I am thankful for the many dogs and cats and other critters that have been a part of our lives that I have helped care for and love.  I am thankful for the people I have in my life that I cared for, or currently care for in a variety of ways.  I love that I the ability to care.

V--Vivid colors.  I have come to appreciate vivid colors in my world.  Especially finding them and being aware of them in my outside world and watching them as the seasons change.  I like taking vivid colors and creating visual art through paintings, drawings, photographs, or any other kind of medium that sounds fun now.  I love working with vivid colors.

I—Internet.  Love it or hate it, but the Internet is such an integral part of my life, and I try and use it for good.  I like gaining information by using the Internet.  I like connecting with people.  I like sharing information with others.  I like seeing other parts of the world using the Internet.  There are so many opportunities using the Internet that we can be thankful for every day.

N—Neighborhood.  I live in a great neighborhood that is quiet and where I have nice neighbors and I love being outside and hearing the kids play in their backyards.  I love that our neighbors help one another.  I love that it is a relatively quiet neighborhood.  And I love having this neighborhood in the town of Kellogg, my hometown, the town I grew up in, and where we have called our home for the past 22 years.  I am very thankful for where I live.

G—God.  I am thankful for God.  I am thankful that the One who Created the brilliance of the Universe with the vast galaxies and stars and planets also created me.  I am in awe of this realization.  And then created a way to have a relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus.  I have believed this and have lived this practically my whole life.  I am thankful for God, for Jesus, for the Church, and for the relationship I have formed with the Creator of Love and the Creator of a Thankful Heart.


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