Not The Purge I Planned

new attitude purge 2024 taking care of self Jul 18, 2024

By Carol Woolum Roberts

When I began my PURGE 2024 journey, I had some definite things I wanted to accomplish this year. 

Now that we are into July, and half way through the year, I think it is time to see where I am at in my PURGE journey.

Before I start my official PURGE report, I want to say that purging my weekly blog writing was not part of my purge plan.  It has been about a month since I sat down to write a blog post, Often things have to give, and for me, it has been my blog writing over the past month.  I hope this post gets me back on track as I focus on my PURGE 2024 results today.

My first area was to PRIORITIZE TIME TASKS.\

This has not happened.  In fact, I have piles of paperwork on my desk, on the coffee table in the living room, and on the dining room table that need tended to very soon.  But with play rehearsals, kid’s camps, visitors and other things, this area keeps getting pushed back.  I keep telling myself…there is always August!

The next area is UNDUE HABITS.

For a while, my morning schedule was very chaotic.  I was doing my New York Times puzzles in the morning, but my other morning routines were set aside.  And boy could I tell a change in my attitude when that happened.  And not a positive change either.  Without my daily devotion time and prayer with Paul, my morning journaling, and my own personal Bible reading, I was testy, resentful, sensitive, sulky…you get the picture.  A few weeks ago, I realized I needed my morning routine back.  And guess what?  Things began to improve in my attitude department.

One area I have cut back on is Online Time.  But I have cut back so much that I haven’t promoted our day retreats like I have in the past, and interest is lacking.  That is totally my bad!

The third area is REALIGN WHO I AM.

This goes along with my morning schedule routine, or lack of it.  For me, it is so important to have that morning time of praying, worshiping, studying the Word of God, and checking my attitude.  Jumping into my day without this time has personal consequences.

GET RID OF DISSARAY is the fourth area.

Well, the fact I have paperwork piles in almost every room in the house, probably is a clue that I am not getting rid of much disarray these days.  I have four areas to focus on, Office Space, Sleeping Space, Storage Space and Supply Space.  Actually the supply space is not too back.  Other areas, disarray!  Again, there is always August…or maybe September!

The last area is ENERGIZE MY BODY.

I finally reached an area that I have actually made progress.

I am drinking more water.  I am eating more real food.

I am doing more stretching through a home Chair Yoga program and go to the gym three times a week and use the weight machines to help strengthen my body.

The last area is more sweat.  I need to get more intense walking, jogging, biking in my routine, so I can work up a sweat at least a few times a week. I signed up to do the Jackass 5K in October, so I need to start doing more intentional preparation.

Since the end of April I have really changed the way I have been eating.  I have started going to the gym regularly.  I regularly stretch.

Today when I weighed and measured, I have lost 24 pounds and 25 inches.

I have learned there are certain foods that contribute to my left leg becoming inflamed.  I think it is refined white flour and white sugar.  If I eat large quantities of these foods, my leg becomes inflamed.  If I stay away from these foods, my leg does not hurt.

I have also added a cup of green tea and matcha to my daily routine and add turmeric to my morning coffee. (Both of these things are natural ways to help with inflammation.)

When I eat real food, focusing on mainly vegetables, fruits, some kind of protein and nuts, I feel so much better.  I found if I have one meal a week that has a dessert or bread, that doesn’t seem to flare up the inflammation.  But if I do it for three or more days in a row, then I can feel it.  This happened at the beginning of June when I attended my sorority reunion, and it happened the week of my birthday.  After eating foods outside of fruits, vegetables, proteins and nuts, my leg was in a lot of pain.  What a great reminder to not overdue the goodies!!

So halfway through the year my PURGE 2024 has made progress in some areas and has come to a standstill in other areas. 

But the important thing is, I keep learning about myself and what works, and what doesn’t, and I will continue to learn throughout the rest of the year.




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