Something’s Gotta Give

changes grow me a story health performing schedules sixth street melodrama and theater May 16, 2024

By Carol Woolum Roberts

Since retiring from the Kellogg School District in the summer of 2018, my life has been in constant flux.

I transitioned into teaching students from China online with a program called VIPKid. The goal was to teach them how to speak “American” English.  This made for a rather strange schedule, because my students were available to be taught often from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. my time.  But I adjusted, and my schedule changed, and I did that schedule for about three years. Paul joined me teaching VIPKid after his retirement in the summer of 2020.

Then China didn’t want us teaching their children anymore. So Paul and I had been toying with the idea of starting our own business, and so we put that idea into motion. We would develop a website, and create ways to help people live more creative lives. We called ourselves Creativity Cultivators.  “Grow Me A Story” was born!

In the fall of 2021 the website was launched. We both started writing weekly blogs.  We sent out weekly newsletters. We started a Sacred Community Garden, a membership community of people we worked with on a weekly basis. Then came summer camps for kids, adult day retreats, then after school classes.

In January of 2022 we started a podcast, and talked to people about different ways they showed creativity in their lives.

Then we were asked by different schools to be their Artist in Residence.  (This was not part of the business plan).

As winter was beginning, our focus was shifting toward other creative pursuits. We told ourselves…..”somethings gotta give”.  We decided to drop the newsletter.  We decided to drop the Sacred Community Garden. This goes along with my Word and Focus for 2024….PURGE.

Then this spring came another shift.  Paul and I wanted to focus on our health.  We wanted to spend more time going to the gym and getting stronger and healthier.

But, with that added five or more hours each week going to the gym, we said to ourselves again……”somethings gotta give”.

And right now, that thing is our Dreams and Bones podcast.

We are taking a bit of a hiatus.  But there are a lot of episodes on the podcast, and, if you need some catch up time to listen, now is your chance.  Click here to find all of our past episodes.

Paul and I continue to write our weekly blogs, we work with 8 students after school, and plan to have our summer camps for kids and five different day retreats for adults between June and September.

We have some fun events coming up that will keep us busy as well.  Maybe you can join us for one of them.  Here is what is coming up for Paul and I.

Click the link for information about our kid’s camps for ages 6-18.  You save $20 if you sign up by June 1.

We have four different kinds of adult day retreats we hold in our Grow Me A Story Garden.  We have Create Quiet two different times, Create an Art Experience, Create Play and Create Stories.  This is a chance to take some time away from the busyness of life and spend a day just for you.  Click here for information about our retreats.

On June 20th, Paul and Carol Roberts and Friends will be kicking off the summer Music in the Park concert series.  It will be at the Kellogg City Park from 5:30-7:30.  It is free.  Bring your lawn chairs or blankets and enjoy an evening of fun music.

From July 18-August 18, Paul and I will be performing the Kelly’s Alley Revue and directing the melodrama, “Huckleberry Havoc or, …The Villain is in a Jam”. for the summer season at the Sixth Street Melodrama in Wallace.  Click here for show times and ticket information.

During the Fall for History weekend in Wallace, Paul and I will be the program for the Saturday evening banquet on October 5th, as we share the early history of the Coeur d’Alene Mining District through stories and song.

November sees us performing in “Laugh-In” Even Louder during the first three weekends.

December will be “Christmas at Sixth Street” during the second weekend of the month.

As we move into 2025, our focus will be on the upcoming performance of the musical “Nunsense”, the first three weekends of March.  Paul will be directing, and I will be playing the nun Sister Mary Hubert.  We will be performing with four other fabulous local female performers.

So, as schedules change, and life shifts, we need to keep telling ourselves…..

“Something’s Gotta Give”.




What do you do when schedules shift and time commitments change?  Do you tell yourself…..something’s gotta give?


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