Wedding Week….

cupcake baking mother of the bride wedding prep wedding week Feb 15, 2024

 By Carol Woolum Roberts

I got this text from a friend this morning.

"How are you guys doing? Getting excited? Everything coming together?"

This is kind of what I wrote back to her....

Things are going well (for the upcoming wedding of my daughter Cosette to her fiancé Taylor Barnes.)

Items are getting checked off the list on a daily basis.

And…I got my office cleaned!!  (This was a dreaded project that I finally completed yesterday.  But don’t look in my bedroom.  It is a disaster.  That is my next project that needs done!!)

Today and tomorrow include cupcake baking, decorating for the receptions and the church.  I baked and decorated five types of cupcakes today, including Vanilla, Snickerdoodle, Perfect Lemon, Mocha and Cinco de Chili Chocolate. 

More family and friends arrive tomorrow!

So….I just wanted to check in and say hello…that is about all the time I have to do anything.

I will tell you how everything went next weekend...



What do you remember about your wedding week?


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