Who Needs Dignity?

grow me a story shoshone news press sixth street melodrama Jul 08, 2024

By Paul Roberts

Most of you that follow Carol and I here at Grow Me A Story are very aware of the work we do with kids, and Carol does an awesome job from a social media standpoint of getting our “stories” out there. And Carol and I get plenty of opportunities to be on stage at the Sixth Street Melodrama and Theater, where we can be the focus of those bright stage lights.

But I was asked by our intrepid reporter for the Shoshone News Press if I had an answer to his question “What is your favorite part of this show?” My answer for him was not about Carol and I being on stage and getting the applause. My favorite part of our “preview performance” experience last Friday in front of a raucous full house was watching the two new actors we’re working with this summer.

Of the seven performers in this summer’s melodrama and revue, five have had a great deal of experience performing in front of a large crowd. However, Tina Fletcher and Joe Moore got to jump into the deep end of the pool last Friday. And my, did they swim! 

My chance to sit in the audience and hear the crowd respond to their efforts as rookie thespians was my favorite part of the day. Sometimes, young kids don’t know they are supposed to be a bit fearful. Adults have often learned to be cautious, protecting their serious reputation and their dignity that being an adult sometimes requires. But Tina and Joe took on the risk and did a fantastic job. When you’re in show business, who needs dignity!

The Shoshone News Press review will be in the paper this week, and tickets are going to go fast, so don’t miss out on the chance to see a new play and some new actors this summer at the Sixth Street Melodrama. I’ll be the guy sitting by myself in the corner after intermission quietly, proudly, cheering on my new-found friends.


Are there some risks you want to take, but haven’t because of your status as an adult? It’s never too late in life to play. 

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